How Does CRUKS Help Prevent Gambling Addiction in The Netherlands?
There is nothing quite like going to a casino to shoot some craps or play an exciting game of poker every once in a while. Countless people all around the world tend to do this on a more or less regular basis, and it can be a wonderful way to blow off some steam after spending an entire week trying to wrack your brain over a particular problem that has occurred in your workplace.
With all that having been said, it should be mentioned that gambling can rapidly turn into the sort of thing that can overcome someone or the other’s day to day existence. The chemicals that are released within the confines of your brain when you win a bet are almost identical to the ones that come out when you consume narcotics, so you can clearly see how gambling needs to be treated carefully lest it start to spiral out of control.
This is where cruks can come into play. In case this is the first time you are hearing of it, CRUKS is een register waarin mensen staan geregistreerd die zijn uitgesloten van kansspelen in Nederland, waaronder casino’s en online goksites. Het register is opgericht om gokverslaving tegen te gaan en om mensen te helpen hun gokgedrag onder controle te krijgen.
If you are the type of individual that generally tends to enjoy gambling, you should know that CRUKS can be an enormous help to you. It is part of a wider movement of addiction treatment methodologies that aim to avoid infantilizing people who are struggling with compulsive behaviors.
Once you have registered yourself into the CRUKS database, suffice it to say that you simply won’t be allowed to enter the casino in the first place. That will go a long way towards enabling you to keep saving money instead of blowing each and every pay check that you receive on a gamble that does not have a very high level of likelihood of falling in your favor.